Here's the Timetable for your Greek experience
we meet at 11 am, at the ticket office of the Ethniki Amyna Metro station, at Holargos
we start our daily GoGreek activities: forget about the clock, just enjoy the experience
we finish off at about 4 pm, and then we take you back to the initial meeting point
we'd love to hear from you afterwards: drop us a line whenever you feel like it
you may continue to read about us through Our Blog: just ordinary day-to-day stuff
we promise to keep a warm place in our heart only for you, since these are the greatest of all Greek traits: Hospitality (philoxenia) and Friendship (philia)
NOTE: all the gifts, food, and shopping items that you will be receiving throughout the day, are totally free of charge and are yours to keep
So, here goes...

looking forward...

sweet and welcoming

at our frontyard

looking forward...
Here's how we'll spend the day and what we'll do together

We start off with a chance to get acquainted with tasty local food delicacies at a local Deli Shop, and receive a free complimentary deli collection basket, courtesy of ourselves

You will learn how to cook traditional greek dishes at our home kitchen, whereby you will be invited to take part in the cooking "festivities". We will also bake bread, and a traditional tyropita (cheese pie). It's a perfect chance to "get your hands dirty" with greek cooking

Since we'll have spent a lot of time cooking together, it's time we "got a taste of our own medicine" and satisfied our taste buds with a generous "overdose" on all our edible creations of the day, over a nice glass of wine

We've had our cooking lessons and our lunch, now let's relax on the sofa with a nice cup of coffee, of your choice. Greek coffee is a definitive must. Time to chit-chat and exchange ideas... Please, tell us about YOU.