SURVIVE your Greek holidays like a Pro
It's NOT about the journey, it's about the person you become along the way
Acquire amazing works of ART
of GREEK nature & life in the style of a famous Painter
SURVIVE: cars, driving in the wrong direction
SURVIVAL tip in Greece: smile often
How to SURVIVE in Greece on Holidays
Are Greeks still HOSPITABLE ?
What ever happened to good old-fashioned tourism?
"BENDING" the Law: is it a Menace or a Blessing for Greece?
Whenever I feel gloomy, I check out these PHOTOS...
5 things that non-Greeks may NOT realise about the Greek Crisis
23 POSITIVE things that non-Greeks taught me, about Athens
Is Athens UGLY?
Athens suburban scenes, November 2017
Old people living alone in Athens
It's the PEOPLE, stupid...
We don't like rain and clouds, in Greece!
GREECE: the land of contradictions
In Athens we wandered around a lot... it is a great way to see the city
The Rhodes old town, incredibly ALIVE
The Harmony of different TREES
Thousands flock to see the restored Athens Metropolitan Cathedral