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SURVIVE your Greek holidays like a Pro

It's NOT about the   journey,  it's about the person you become  along the way 

Yiannis - Sailing and Greek Cuisine, in Piraeus

Yiannis takes advantage of his extensive experience and personal involvement in the "sailing for pleasure" as well as the "food & catering" sectors, in order to offer a thorough experience covering comprehensive sailing lessons and visits to places of local interest, especially sailing and food-related, in Piraeus.​

€60, 4 hrs, 6 persons

 WHAT you will LEARN: 

  1. Fundamental working principles of “sailing for pleasure"

  2. How to become a good cuisine & bar connoisseur

  3. Local food-related points of interest

This Experience IS NOT on OFFER any more !


Piraeus - Where the Experience will take place

What Wikipedia says

Piraeus is situated in the southwest part of the central plain of Attica, also widely known as the Attica Basin, which the Athens agglomeration (urban area) sprawls across. Piraeus is bounded by the Mount Egaleo to the northwest, and the Saronic Gulf to the south and west, and connected with the rest of the Athens Urban Area to the east and northeast.


The "city proper" of Piraeus consists of a rocky peninsula, originally an island, featuring three natural harbours. In addition to the central one, called Kantharos in ancient times, the smaller harbours to the east are still in use : Zea, also known as Pasalimani, and Munichia, the smallest of the three and widely known as Mikrolimano. Nowadays, the Piraeus larger urban area includes the suburban harbours of Drapetsona, Keratsini and Perama. The central harbour is a hub of commercial and passenger shipping, whereas the two smaller ones cater to recreational and fishing craft as well as passenger hydrofoils.


Piraeus is the third largest municipality in Greece with an official population of 175,697 (in 2001). The Piraeus Urban Area, part of the greater Athens Urban Area, comprises the city proper (municipality of Piraeus) and six other suburban municipalities, having a total population of 466,065 people (in 2001).


Yiannis Konstantaras is your Host for the whole experience

Yiannis has extensive professional experience, from 1985 onwards, as a sailing boat skipper during the tourist season in Athens, Cyclades and the Dodecanese islands. He has taken part in numerous sailing races in Greece. He has also extensive experience in the food and catering sectors in Piraeus. He loves communicating, socialising with people from different cultures, and taking part in outdoor activities. In addition, he is an excellent craftsman, using metal, wood and glass for his personal creations.

  • Place of ORIGIN: Athens

  • LIVES in: Alimos, Athens

  • SPEAKS: English

  • LOVES: water sports and sailing, music, travelling, good cuisine, photography

  • Has TRAVELLED to: England, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Serbia, Croatia, Cyprus, Turkey

  • Personal TRAITS: excellent communicator, appreciates different cultural backgrounds, easy-going and friendly

Here's how we'll spend the day and what we'll do together

 WHAT you will LEARN: 

  1. Fundamental working principles of “sailing for pleasure"

  2. How to become a good cuisine & bar connoisseur

  3. Local food-related points of interest

BOOK it !

Here are the details for Booking this Greek experience

  • Place: Piraeus

  • Meeting Point: main statue in Karaiskaki Square, at the Piraeus port

  • Duration: 4 hours

  • Timetable: 10.00-14.00  or  14.00-18.00

  • Availability: throughout the year

  • Group size: 6 persons max

  • Price: 60 euros per person

  • What’s SPECIAL about this experience: Yiannis is an expert skipper and a proficient cuisine connoisseur


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