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SURVIVE your Greek holidays like a Pro

It's NOT about the   journey,  it's about the person you become  along the way 

Nikos – Cretan food, wine, agriculture and history

Get to know Crete’s culture and history, agricultural activities, traditional day-to-day habits, and modern cretan lifestyle, in Heraklion.

€65, 6 hrs, 5 persons

 WHAT you will LEARN: 

  1. Home grown cretan food, and agricultural activities: wine, olive oil, vegetables, raki & fruit

  2. Insider’s view of the operations in traditional cheese, wine and bakery makers & producers in Heraklion 

  3. Points of cultural & historic interest: modern cretan lifestyle, facets and cultures


Heraklion, Crete - Where the Experience will take place

What Wikipedia says

Crete (is the largest and most populous of the Greek islands, and the fifth-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Crete forms a significant part of the economy and cultural heritage of Greece, while retaining its own local cultural traits (such as its own poetry and music). It was once the center of the Minoan civilization (c. 2700–1420 BC), which is currently regarded as the earliest recorded civilization in Europe.


Crete is mountainous, and its character is defined by a high mountain range crossing from west to east, formed by three different groups of mountains: the White Mountains or Lefka Ori (2,452 m)the Idi Range (Psiloritis) etc. These mountains lavished Crete with valleys, such as Amari valley, fertile plateaus, such as Lasithi plateau, Omalos and Nidha; caves, such as Gourgouthakas, Diktaion, and Idaion (the birthplace of the ancient Greek god Zeus); and a number of gorges.


Crete is isolated from mainland Europe, Asia, and Africa, and this is reflected in the diversity of the fauna and flora. As a result, the fauna and flora of Crete have many clues to the evolution of species.


The economy of Crete is predominantly based on services and tourism. However, agriculture also plays an important role and Crete is one of the few Greek islands that can support itself independently without a tourism industry.


Crete is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Greece. The island's tourism infrastructure caters to all tastes, including a very wide range of accommodation; the island's facilities take in large luxury hotels with their complete facilities, swimming pools, sports and recreation, smaller family-owned apartments, camping facilities and others.


Crete has its own distinctive Mantinades poetry. The island is known for its Mantinades-based music. Cretan authors have made important contributions to Greek Literature throughout the modern period. Cretans are fiercely proud of their island and customs, and men often don elements of traditional dress in everyday life. Crete is also famous for its traditional cuisine. The nutritional value of the Cretan cuisine is often mentioned by epidemiologists as one of the best examples of the Mediterranean diet.


Nikos Mprinias is your Host for the whole experience

Nikos spent 21 years in Germany as a professional, and has also travelled extensively to many countries. He is actively involved in the tourism industry and is a Heraklion resident. He is involved in gastronomy, food-growing, and gardening and likes socialising with people from different cultural backgrounds.

  • Place of ORIGIN: Greece

  • LIVES in: Heraklion, Crete

  • SPEAKS: German, English

  • LOVES: travelling, communicating with people from different countries, gastronomy, gardening

  • Has TRAVELLED to: many European countries, USA

  • Personal TRAITS: very hospitable, appreciates and studies different cultures, communicative

Here's how we'll spend the day and what we'll do together

This Experience is offered in TWO versions:

Standard Pack
€65, 6 hrs, 5 persons
Deluxe Pack
€130, 12 hrs, 5 persons
Deluxe Pack
Standard Pack

 WHAT you will LEARN: 

  1. Home grown cretan food, and agricultural activities: wine, olive oil, vegetables, raki & fruit

  2. Insider’s view of the operations in traditional cheese, wine and bakery makers & producers in Heraklion 

  3. Points of cultural & historic interest: modern cretan lifestyle, facets and cultures

BOOK it !

Here are the details for Booking this Greek experience

  • Place:  Heraklion, Crete

  • Meeting Point: predetermined central point in Heraklion

  • Standard Pack - Duration: 6 hours

Timetable: 10.00-16.00

Price: 65 euros per person

  • Deluxe Pack - Duration: 12 hours

Timetable: 10.00-22.00

Price: 130 euros per person

  • Availability:  thoughout the year

  • Group size: 5 persons max

  • What’s SPECIAL about this experience: this is a unique insider's view of Crete, from a greek who was born and raised in Germany and knows the hidden intricacies of the island

HOW to get the Standard Pack:  1. click on the  Book Now  and, then, the  Request Booking  buttons, below  

2. at the field Redeem Promo Code FILL-IN:  standard_pack   3. you automatically get the 50%  discount on the Deluxe Pack price


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